There are alot of things 5 people can do. They can form a team and play just about any sport, I've seen 5 people move an entire house in just a few hours, they can start a band or even a burger joint (well, 5 Guys anyway). But I learned in the last few weeks what 5 people can't do. As much as we loved our time in Cambodia and all of us were so thankful for all the opportunities we were given we realized above all else that we couldn't do it alone. We were going to need community to make this project work. Community in Phnom Penh and in the US. You.
Encouragement, sadness, despair and excitement are among all of the feelings people have expressed in the emails we have received. Friends asked how they could help or what they could do. So here we are. There are many opportunities to participate in this project. Especially as it gets off the ground. We really want to partner with people that are concerned with the issue of trafficking and are moved passionately to act. There is so much fundraising based on emotion, heart strings, guilt and fear. The end result of that is boredom by the partners and movement to another issue that they feel more guilty or sad about later. We want to avoid that. We are surrounded by a community of people that want to be radical and sacrificial, want to participate in change and desire to personally be transformed as they contribute to the world. Is that you, is that your community, is that your church? If the answer is yes, please read further.
Two couples have already offered to begin sponsoring the girls. A house church (or small group) has taken on the rent of the home in Cambodia ($330/month). So what else is there? Here are a few of the other needs:
1. Sponsorship for all 10 girls (weekly stipend, training, food, education, counseling, weekend activities etc.)
2. Sponsorship for the house mom - $300/month She will be our life line in some ways. Taking them to and from Mr. Hi's shop, caring for them, feeding them, teaching them.
3. We will need to purchase a van for the home. This is approximately $8,000-$10,000.
4. Home "furnishings"- refrigerator, kitchen supplies, plates, cups, bathroom renovations, towels etc.
5. Training equipment- sewing machines, tables, chairs
6. Awareness funds- website and marketing materials to get the word out.
7. And so many misc. things that can't even be counted for like paying off contracts
(The sale of the dresses will pay for most of our transportation back and forth as well as the fabric and materials for the gowns)
You can give once or you can participate monthly. If you want more information you can email me at We encourage small groups and communities to do this together and are happy to share with everyone what the vision is. Also, if you are creative and have fundraising ideas please let us know. If you are interested in giving for the project this is how:
Center for Global Impact (checks payable to CGI)
7358 Kita Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46259
or you can donate online at
(put Daughters in comment- there will be a drop box soon for it- unrestricted gift is ok for now w/ comment)
Thank you again for caring about these children.
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